
Reiki Master Providing Multidimensional Intuitive Energy Healing Sessions 

In my session we work together on different levels, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. Enhancing everything in life. I intuitively tap into your energy field and seeing what you and your body might need to start your healing journey.  My healing sessions are personalized  and unique to each individual client. I use many different modalities, Reiki Golden Light energy, Quantum Biofeedback, Crystals, Colour Therapy and Sound Therapy. I ask for guidance from your spiritual team by tapping into my intuitive channeling gifts to guide me to the root of my client’s issues. Your body receives all of these beautiful healing modalities and decides what it needs during the session . My sessions have profound positive effects assisting clients on their healing Journey. I believe when given the right tools, the body can start to heal itself. I provide your body with these healing modalities and watch the wonderful transition that takes place.

Fee $130 plus GST

Animal Communication Session

I have always had a special bond with animals, for as long as I can remember. Animals are beautiful souls that are here to help us. I have become a Certified Animal Energy Communicator through an extensive training program by renowned Animal Communicator Lynn McKenzie.

These are some of the things I can help you with:

  • Is your pet trying to tell you something? Want to find out what?

  • Having Medical Issues ( always consult with your Veterinarian first) behaviour issues?

  • Assisting a rescue pet you might have adopted settle into your home

  • Assist with trying to find a pet that is lost.

  • Assist you with grieving the loss of your pet.

    Please contact for pricing.