There are 7 Major Chakras
Root Chakra
This chakra contains data regarding family, social attitudes, and how you absorbed your childhood experiences ( the good and bad) it influences how you feel. The root chakra should always function in harmony with the seventh chakra (the crown). It is blocked by fear of survival, abandonment by the group, and an overall feeling of lack of life. There is likely to be a lack of structure in one’s life. LET IT GO.
Common physical problems resulting from an imbalanced Root Chakra: conditions affecting the feet, knees, hips, kidney stones, osteoporosis, bone problems, and auto-immune disorders.
Sacral Chakra
This chakra contains data regarding how you relate to people one to one, your survival and sense of security, power, friendship, and relationships. An unbalanced sacral chakra can hold us back from fulfilling relationships however when this chakra is opened and balanced, we feel the love of life. You feel life as vibrant, pleasurable, and abundant. It is blocked by fear of losing control of your physical environment, seeing life as limited, unhealthy attitudes around sex, sexual abuse, guilt, shame, inability to enjoy the physical pleasures of life, and eating disorders. It is released by letting go of blame, guilt, forgiving yourself, and cultivating thoughts and feelings of being worthy, deserving of living a life of abundance, joy, peace, and love.
Common physical problems resulting from an imbalanced sacral Chakra are endometriosis, sterility, chronic menstrual cramping, fibroids, problems with the ovaries and cervix, the prostate, sexual dysfunction, lower back problems, colon/bowel problems, and sciatica.
Solar Plexus Chakra
This chakra contains data about self-esteem and intimacy. This is the part of the body from which our emotional energy radiates. Our relationships with others, our likes and dislikes, our personality and social identity, and our ability to enter into a long-term relationship are mainly controlled by this chakra. The most important task of this chakra is that of purifying the desires and wishes of the lower chakras while allowing the spiritual richness of the higher chakras to manifest in the material world as a means of achieving the greatest possible fulfillment on all levels of being. We feel enlightened, full of joy and inner richness when this chakra is open. If it is blocked or disturbed we will feel gloomy and unbalanced. Through this chakra, we directly perceive the vibrations of other people and react accordingly. ( that all-too-familiar gut feeling!). It is blocked by fear of rejection, oversensitivity to criticism, shame, and issues related to self-esteem and feel we don’t have the right to be who we are as well as a sense of unworthiness, a need for approval, and feeling trapped. It is released by letting go of disappointment and loving yourself, even your mistakes, cultivating thoughts and feelings of being enough exactly the way we are, and recognizing that we are worthy.
Common physical problems resulting from an imbalanced Solar Plexus Chakra are indigestion, acid stomach/ulcers, small intestine problems, hepatitis, gallstones, pancreatitis, diabetes, food addiction, and obesity.
Heart Chakra
This chakra is the center of the entire chakra system, it contains data about love experiences and happiness, this chakra is the controlling power base. The heart gives us a sense of joy and well-being. If your heart isn’t into whatever you are doing, you are not likely to succeed. This chakra connects the three lower physical/ emotional centers to the three higher mental/ spiritual centers. It affects our ability to empathize and sympathize with others. Through this chakra, we perceive the beauty in nature, harmony in music, visual arts, poetic imagery, and words and sounds are transformed into feelings. The purpose of this chakra is to achieve perfect union through love. All yearning for deep intimate contact, oneness, harmony, and love is expressed through this chakra. In its completely open state, it forms the center of true, unconditional love and compassion. If it is blocked by fear of loneliness, commitment, betrayal, grief, the inability to protect oneself emotionally, toxic emotional stress, the need to know “why” and the inability to release our attachment to our wounds. It is also blocked by fear of giving and receiving love which, in turn, blocks health, joy, and goodness from coming into our lives. It is released by letting go of sadness and loss, embracing forgiveness, and keeping your spirit in the “now”, cultivating thoughts and feelings of love- for the self, for others, and everything around us.
Common physical problems resulting from an imbalanced heart Chakra are arteriosclerosis, angina, heart attack, heart arrhythmias, heart and lung stenosis, pneumonia, chronic bronchitis, TB.
Throat Chakra
This chakra is the center of the human capacity of expression, communication, and inspiration. It contains the data about your sense of choice, will, and expression. It serves as a bridge between the lower chakras and the crown chakra integrating thoughts and feelings, our impulses and reactions. As we listen to our inner voice, we become conscious of our real mission in life (our divine contract) and a strong sense of our true self, creativity expressing that truth from a place of integrity. It is blocked by a lack of faith that things will work out and a sense that we have no right to express ourselves or that no one cares to listen to us. This dampens our life force and precious gift of communication. It is released by letting go of denial and lies you tell yourself. It is also released by letting go of the need to know why things happen and trust whatever reason is part of our spiritual path, we need to cultivate thoughts and beliefs that support us in expressing our truth in the world.
Common physical problems resulting from an unbalanced Throat Chakra are sore throat, laryngitis, deafness, tooth decay, gum problems, TMJ, shoulder problems, and cervical neck problems.
Brow Chakra ( THIRD EYE)
This chakra contains data about your mental state, providing information about your reality, beliefs, and attitudes. It is the seat of higher mental powers, the intellectual capacity of distinguishing memory and will. Physically, it is the highest center of command of the central nervous system. As the third eye is the seat of attainment of consciousness, it is here that we can manifest matter and dematerialize it, thereby creating new realities on the physical level and dissolving old ones. By developing consciousness and opening the third eye, controlling this process more consciously can create the energy for the fulfillment of our wishes. It is blocked by attachment, our belief that who we are is not enough and that we are not worthy of having the life we say we want. We fail to honor our true light, have a lack of trust in our wisdom, and are unable to receive blessings and lessons from past experiences. It is released by detaching oneself from attachments and by cultivating thoughts and feelings of inner wisdom, intuition, and enlightenment.
Common physical problems resulting from an imbalanced Third Eye Chakra are migraines, blindness, glaucoma, cataracts, hearing problems, brain tumors, and strokes.
Crown Chakra
This chakra holds data about your involvement in life, good deeds, and prayers, it is the seat of the highest human perfection. This chakra unites itself with all the energies of the lower chakras. From here we started our journey into life, and to this place, we will return at the end of our development. Our energy field becomes one with the Universe. Whatever we understand intellectually and later intuitively now reaches the point of complete comprehension. Whenever this chakra unfolds any blockages remaining in the other chakras dissolve and their energies begin to vibrate at their highest possible frequencies. It is blocked by fear of spiritual abandonment, loss of identity and loss of connection with people, and life in general- we tend to experience life as though we are “doing it all alone”, thereby fostering arrogance and false pride, leading to a belief that our ego is invincible which separates us from others and keeps our heart closed to love and healing. It is released through meditation and prayer, by letting go of attachments by “ setting them free”. we need to be aware that there is no separation between ourselves and Spirit….. WE ARE ONE.
Common physical problems resulting from an unbalanced Crown Chakra are learning and perception difficulties, lack Spiritual understanding, epilepsy, color blindness, alcoholism, nervous disorders, neuroses, and insomnia.
( Adapted from the Reiki training manual One Spirit, Heather Gunn Reiki Master Teacher, Alberta and excerpts from Dr. Caroline Myss’ youtube video “ Why People Don’t Heal”)